Let's get social
2024 Update - wow - so much has changed!
I’ve long deleted my Twitter account and occasionally find myself on Threads. The cats, trees and the garden are the mainstay of Instagram - but I have the best stories. LinkedIn and I have become friends; I’m so impressed with the strength of nurses from the USA it’s inspiring. I believe the nursing and allied health voices can and should be stronger on this platform.
I’ve now got a Facebook page - The Healthcare Leadership Hub - come by and say hello.
As I have admitted to you here, I am a swirling mass of contradictions and while I think we do, as a workforce, need to be open, honest and brave about how we use our phones, I do think social media can be a force for good.
There are various platforms from a business perspective and many ways for how nurses in particular can use social media are captured: take a look here. TED of course has lessons for us with this playlist and this talk is just for Twitter
The Nursing and Midwifery Council have guidance on the use of social media, and we must realise that today we cannot hide from view, and we are often only a Google search away. How we behave and conduct ourselves online matters, what we like, follow and share is there for all to see.
Conferences are often big on using social media to share, learn and connect, and that is one of the forces for good. As with everything in life, there has to be a balanced, dark side to counterbalance the light. It can be distracting, depressing, silly and hateful. We do have control of what we read, share, and follow and that can make all the difference.
So taking a brave step to share with you, here is where I am on social media
I was introduced, well I say introduced, it was a mandatory requirement for this workshop. So I signed up and left it be for over a year until I found myself back at another IHI conference. I hadn't read this at the time but I think I stuck pretty close and had a little Twitter sensation (in my world) with this tweet. Take a look at the comments/replies. I learnt a lot in a couple of days, context is everything and there is little context on Twitter.
I think there are heaps of amazing good stuff shared on Twitter. I follow health care folks and get some great links to useful articles, posters and ideas.
Of course, the 'hello my name is' campaign started on Twitter and Kate Granger admitted to being a Twitter addict. That campaign has stormed the world and made an incredible difference.
So why aren't we all on Twitter? Maybe this info-graphic here as to why nurses don't use Twitter gives some clues.
If you want to get started on Twitter this ABC could get you going. Take a look at Helen Bevan and Teresa Chinn for some wonderful healthcare content
I probably have the most connections on Facebook so I think really carefully about how I use it. As well as being a great way to keep in contact with people, I use it to share uplifting and hopefully useful content. Mindful.Org being one example
I do believe Facebook offers healthcare a great opportunity because so many people use this platform, it can be a good way to get messages out to people.
If I said I find LinkedIn useful as my portable walking CV I think I would be undervaluing it but that is a big plus for me. I can never remember when I moved from what job when. It is a great place for business related content and for making connections within the organization you work for and beyond. There are heaps of healthcare related content shared and has a different feel, purpose and user group to Twitter.
Now I think this is a missed opportunity. Yes, it's pictures. It was sold to me as an online scrapbook. I kept scrapbooks so I loved this and took to it immediately. Often not a go-to for healthcare, leadership or business matters but there is some good stuff to be found. Yes, you have to check the links and some stuff is no good but it is great for images, quotes and ideas. Check out the boards on leadership and patient safety.
In the interests of full disclosure, I am on Instagram, but seriously it's mainly pictures of my cats.