Trouble getting your point across right now? Will a picture help?
They say a picture can speak a thousand words. I don’t know about you, but I don’t have the time for a thousand words, so if it’s going to help I’ll take a picture.
In my mission to give you pragmatic, actionable ideas that you can pick up and run with, pictures can give you an accessible ‘in’ with many topics.
So this is for you, if you are an Olympic-ready skim reader because of the amount of information you get sent every day.
Or if you are so tired trying to explain something to your team and you need a way to get your idea across or start a conversation.
Busy today?
Is there someone suggesting an idea that you are just too busy to stop and consider? Is there a tool you could use, a skill you could learn, a coach you could talk to, that will give you efficiency beyond what you are seeing right now?
Do the small things
I believe we’ll change the way it feels to work in healthcare, deliver great experiences for our communities and go home feeling fulfilled rather than exhausted when we concentrate on the small steps we can take every day. This is also a great reminder about the attitude you want to show up with.
It’s simple really..
We work in a complexity. You’ve got to get out there and test the process or the change, or the idea you’ve got to see how it will work. The idea on the page has to be tested….
Make some magic
This picture has gone with me from job to job.
There’s more to growth than this, but this reminds me of the magic that sits beyond my fears, doubts and worries.
Do something everyday
The phrase ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ comes to mind. They did lay a brick every day though. When everything feels like it’s too much, what is one small step you can take towards your goal, that piece of work or project? Those daily actions will add up.