The Digital Declutter You Didn’t Know You Needed

Building a Second Brain and the PARA System for Healthcare Leaders who have way too much on their plates.

busy quote

So I’ve been building a second brain…..well….If only, rather, I've read Building a Second Brain by Tiago Forte.

Firstly, I was a little disappointed it was all about digital note taking. The concept of taking and having notes so I don't keep forgetting things and using the things that I find useful was great. I do, though, really like paper notebooks and all the paraphernalia that goes with it. 📖

Then he starts to explain different types of note takers need a system that matches their style and purpose for note taking. Now I was intrigued. Once I understood this, the relief of why I hadn't been able to make Notion work, when everyone was raving about it was soul-lifting. 🤩

So this got me interested. Before long I was on the YouTube channel and devouring as much as I could.

While I've still got ways to improve in how I take notes from the articles and information I consume, I have made the process simpler and more consistent.

The main gain (to be honest, a little life-changing) for me was the way I organised my files and folders in all my digital spaces. The book talks about organising for action. Setting folders based on current projects, and then other areas you have to keep track of. Then comes the space for resources and lastly the archives. The PARA Method is his new book and yep it’s on the reading list. ✅

Using this method, my email and my digital folders are transformed, (OK, I had a couple of days of obsession, that led to one very burnt dinner and a pan that had to be thrown out). 🤨

Managing all the information and in particular email inboxes is a big topic for everyone I talk to who leads in healthcare. They describe an out-of-control feeling, surrounded by uncertainty, and everything is urgent. Finding a method to file, organise and be able to access your notes or emails is an action that buys you time and gives you a sense of control. This method is an easy share in that context. No, it's not going to work for everyone and like most things, making it yours is the best advice I can give you. ✅

We can’t always control what happens to us, but we can choose the lens we look through

offload you mind sheets

Offload your mind

When you feel overwhelmed, the first step it to get it out of your head. With these sheers, you get to see the wood for the trees and get clear on the next best step to take.

getting it done

Getting it done

Every day the task list is there, these sheets help you track what needs doing, and those extra things that pop up during the day.

So much more than a to-do list, these sheets work with you and you can easily carry all the parts of your work world in one place.

Help me I’m overwhelmed

Some days you get stuck, completely stuck. There is a project or action to do and you can’t see any way forward. This sheet breaks down all the elements, so you have the key facts before you. You get clarity and can easily find your way to the first best step.

Katie Quinney

Healthcare Leadership Coach and Mentor

A life-changing attitude: let there be joy at work.


Is it Urgent or is it Important