How do you build trust when you and your team aren’t in the same location?

We know trust in a team makes a difference to engagement, satisfaction and the ability to get work done, what are some of the specific challenges to do this in healthcare right now?



When challenged with a team spread across a country or across 24/7 shifts what can you do to build and maintain trust in you and each other? Reviewing two specific resources we’ll explore the ways suggested for remote teams and think about them specifically from a healthcare perspective. 

Of course, these ideas work just as well for a team based together in a location - so this episode is a win-win for everyone.

Links and Resources

Building trust and accountability in remote work environments 

Simon Sinek on Trust video 

Sign up for the weekly email to get more ideas, tips and tools on trust here

Download the Qualities of High Impact Leaders and sign up for the email at the same time

Book a call with me to talk about how The Emotional Culture Deck could help your team.

Katie Quinney

Healthcare Leadership Coach and Mentor

How to rethink managing up


Taking time to celebrate.