Stronger together: relationships are the remedy.
Wherever you are, whatever your thoughts, good relationships are key to any change in healthcare.
Tentatively contributing my ideas to the very public conversation about healthcare. What I think are two of the elephants that we need to talk about. Why the political nature of healthcare isn't helping us do what we need to do and why the medical profession has such a strong voice needs to be part of the conversation.
We wrap up thinking about the cards you’ve been dealt and what the landscape looks like for you - what do you do and where can you focus to make a difference?
Equally conscious that this is winter in Aotearoa and all that comes with that, high demand, high occupancy, sickness and in an environment where you can’t spend and need to save money and deliver results!
So what’s one thing, to think about, to take a small step? It’s the small steps every day that are going to bring about the change we want.
Questions that come up:
How are you moving between the balcony and the dance floor?
What are your relationship-building skills like?
Are you clear about what game you are playing?
Are you getting out of the way so people can do their job?
How do you know if you have a physiologically safe space?
Who is your first team?
How are you finding and sharing the bright spots?
Links and Resources
5 qualities of high-impact healthcare leaders
Simon Sinek’s The Infinite Game
Showing up and finding the bright spots.
Let me know what you think of the podcast here (plus I take requests)!